
A visual image popped into my head. It was of a roadside mailbox, the kind that stands on top of a post and has one of those arms that the postal delivery person raises to alert you that you have mail.

But then the image shifted and somewhere in the background, I could hear a ‘ding’ and a voice saying, “you have mail”. I’m aware it’s there but some part of me is refusing to open it.

Have you ever been tempted to ignore messages being sent to you?

They could be from a boss, coworker, family member, doctor, attorney, or they could even be from YOU. Perhaps some part of you is trying to get your own attention.

I think I occasionally resist reading or listening to certain messages because I’m not sure I want to know their content and the simplest way to avoid them is to pretend they don’t exist. I sometimes do this despite knowing it won’t actually work. I know that whatever message I ignore, or resist will just keep coming back until I am open to listening to it.

I wonder what this image is meant to convey to me. Is there symbolism in it or some necessary guidance?

I ponder this for a bit and then something jumps up and waves madly at me. It has its own voice.

It says to me, “This message is about ‘power’, specifically ‘your power’. The voice goes on to say, “There is only one true source of power, which is your connection to the divine. It is from here that all power emanates. Every action, belief, and decision needs some of this power to manifest in your life.”

“It takes power to create each of your life experiences. Sometimes you are conscious of this dynamic, but most of the time you are not, and yet it remains the truth.”

“Every time you believe you are empty, you seek to fill yourself back up, so you expend power (your energy) by seeking positive responses or reinforcement from others in the world. And you attempt to refuel yourself using others as your power source. This will never work, no matter how hard you try. This will not work, even if they are willing to give you some of their power. Power does not work this way.”

Frankly, I’m stunned by this message. I feel its truth for me. I recognize that it is exactly what I do and what I’ve observed others doing. When I sense an emptiness inside of me, I do not always return to the divine source for replenishment. Rather I seek out others and expect them to share some of their power with me. It’s not a fully conscious decision on my part and it feels like one of my default settings kicking in.

The voice returns, “No one can take your power away from you, although it may feel this way. Every person has their own power, drawn from the same divine source. If you feel as though you are losing power, it is because YOU have allowed it to be released.”

I wonder, why would I do that? What would possess me to release power that I need? And I wonder, what energetic dynamic is at work here?

Some clarity arrives when the voice continues, “As you connect with the divine, you are filled with power, and it is up to you to decide how to use it. You make all of the choices. You can release it (allow it to slip away), retain it (for later use), use it (for all of life’s decisions and actions or enhance it (share and combine it with others). Each choice is yours and yours alone. Neither you nor anyone else can give away their power to another, so remember this when you fill empty, and return to the divine source to be filled.”

I am grateful that I finally opened and listened to this message and the power it holds for me.