What If Today…

I want to share something that I wrote for a dear friend of mine recently. It was intended to provide a spark to ignite a different way of viewing life. It was something that I needed. As with all of my posts, the thoughts and words arrive for me and then moved outward into the world.

The post is a dream in a way. Of a richer life. And of course, as it is in all cases, it depends on what we choose. I wonder to myself what will I choose, I wonder too, what will you choose?

What if today…

What if today…I choose to believe…to truly accept and embrace…that every single thing that happens to me is here to benefit me. What if I choose to see beyond appearances and all of the things that blind me. What if I give myself permission to believe that I am loved and cared for and know that everything I experience in my life is there to offer me something of value. That no matter what the world tells me, I can choose my own path. What if I embrace that my heart and spirit are the ones that set me free.

What if today I release any need to control the uncontrollable. What if I spruce up my ability to yield and let go of all the things that weigh me down…to set them aside and feel the precious liberation and the expansive freedom that choice creates.

What if today I collect all the most lovable parts of me and hug them and ask them to spread their joy throughout my body…my life.

What if today I allow every sorrow, pain, challenge, and concern to take the day off…to rest…what if I placed them all gently in the ocean of bliss that is my true home, where they can be washed clean.

What if, for one day, I give up needing to be in charge of anything and allow life to flow gently through me.

What if today…I breathe in peace and breathe out love.

What if today…is that day.

4 Replies to “What If Today…”

  1. Rob,

    Thanks for reminding us of all the choices we can make during every minute of everyday. What if I give up on controlling the uncontrollable , that alone would be an easier way to live.

     Thanks for sharing your inspiration again. ☮️💕


    1. Thanks Regina, for your wonderful response and of the whole post, you chose the one sentence that I too believe would change our lives in a positive way, if we were able to do it. Always nice to remind each other of these things.


  2. Thank you Rob for awakening me to the fact there are,” lovable parts of me.” At times I feel them but never thought of allowing them to radiate to other parts of my body. The joy in and of itself brings peace within🙏🏼 💕


    1. It is always nice to hear from you and I’m glad that there was something of value in what I wrote that connected with you. You are in fact quite lovable, so I’m glad you find peace in knowing this.


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